The Girl's Guide to Giving Back

Give When You Give. My recommendations for unique and hand crafted gifts for all occassions that donate a portion of their proceeds to reputable non-profits and local artisans.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Support RAINN

What a crazy week. I'm in and out of conferences and work dinners this week, and am off to India on Saturday, so lots going on. I can't believe this time next week, I'll be at the Taj Mahal! Bizarre.

So I've been meaning to feature some of the products from RAINN's site (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) as they have several products that I think would make nice presents, and it's such a great organization. How about this necklace for a friend who has been going through some tough times? They are also inexpensive. Only $20. I think they are twice or three times that at Nordies! And you could probably go to a craft store and get some different color leather ropes for the necklace part.

Friday, September 15, 2006

World Peace Now

TGIF. I'm really looking forward to the weekend. Heading down to LA to visit with family (shout out to Auntie, Cuzin B) and my BFF. Taking the train which will be hilarious. Maybe I'll bring my camera so we can all laugh at my dorkiness.

So usually I don't feature things that are much more than 100 bucks, but I feel compelled to post this for anyone who has wads of cash to spend on jewerly that benefits UNICEF. And the message on this can't be beat. It is designed by Mary Margrill and is featured on the US Weekly site. See! US Weekly isn't all so bad...

Hey, and remember, please post your charity gift ideas or if you know of any friends who make products that donate to charity, please let me know. I am starting to get some traffic around here, and I want to see some COMMENTS!

Thursday, September 14, 2006


If you aren't reading the My Cancer blog at NPR, you are truly missing something special. I'm obssessed with it, and read it every day. Here's a little info on him from the NPR site:

In May 2006, Leroy Sievers began a Morning Edition commentary on his fight with cancer by saying, "My doctors are trying to kill me." Sievers is now contributing monthly commentaries to Morning Edition, writing the daily "My Cancer" blog on and voicing a weekly podcast.

I find Leroy's blog deeply inspiring. I also read the comments as many of the people who comment on his blog have extremely profound things to say and unfortunately have cancer themselves. Today, for example, someone with esophageal cancer posted the following quote which she uses to guide her day-to-day life with cancer:

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

Speaking of great moments, our Guadalajara trip:

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Pink Lady Bug Designs

It's 3pm, and it's the time of the day where I start really going downhill in terms of intelligence and engery level. This brings me to today's recommendation, and what I really need right now. CHOCOLATE! This month I'm focusing all around Breast Cancer, and this paritcular site, Pink Lady Bug Designs, donates to the The Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF), a breast cancer charity that guarantees that a minimum of 85% of all funds raised goes directly to researching the causes of and treatments for breast cancer.

Here's the description from the site. Enjoy!

This elegant one-half pound box, featuring seven dark chocolate lady bugs with raspberry cream filling and seven milk chocolate ribbons with caramel filling, is the perfect collection of fine chocolates for any celebration. Give the gift of chocolates to a friends and loved ones.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Warriors in Pink!

Back from our weekend in Gaudalajara! Fun times. Fun times. D, the in-laws and I saw the world famous Mariachi festival. Our luggage still hasn't arrived, but I'm secretly hoping it doesn't, so we can collect some mullah and buy some new duds for our India trip!

Meanwhile, last night while perusing through this month's Vanity Fair with Suri, I noticed that they have a whole section on Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I can't believe it's midway through September, and I haven't featured anything about this yet. Vanity Fair actually features some of the items that I've talked about, but also have some new ones that I'll post about during the course of this month.

Along the same lines, a few weeks ago, I had actually read about and bookmarked this cool site that Ford created where 100% of the net proceeds are donated to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. I like the idea of men supporting women's causes, and I think the design of this shirt is pretty cool:

And so is this women's tank...

I'll post a few pics of our whirlwind trip manana. Adios, Amigos!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Charming Adoption

So we are off to Guadalajara, Mexico with the in-laws for the next four days, and it inspired me to surf around this morning, trying to find gifts that perhaps could help Mexican Orphanages. While I wasn't able to find anything related to Mexico, I did come across this boutique site called Charming Adoption, which is a husband and wife team that makes very interesting jewerly that benefits Half The Sky, a foundation developed by Chinese and Western educators to enrich the lives and enhance the prospects for the babies and children still in China who are either waiting to be adopted or who will spend their childhood in orphanages. Having been in China last year, and hearing about all the baby girl's in orphanages, this is a great cause.

The necklaces and bracelets are truly unique and are a symbol of their "forever family" with their adopted daughter. Check out their story here.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

My weekend...

Hi friends. This is what I did this weekend. It pretty much says it all.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Cancer Sucks Man!

Not that we all don't know this, but Cancer really sucks!! But on the bright side, through my new online community, I found this neat lady, who runs a blog called Much More than a Mom. Her father is currently battling cancer, so she was movitated to create a line of clothes that if we buy, they will match dollar for dollar in donations to cancer research and care. I just love the sentiment in these t-shirts. Check out the store. There are a ton of different styles for everyone. Help support those that still have a chance with this horrible disease. We have lost too many greats! Oh-- and have a great Holiday weekend...